SW Radio COG

Historical Meeting – Strongsville Dispatch – 10/13/22 at 1015 hrs

  • Public Present
  • Call to Order at 1026 hrs
  • Notice of Posting
    • New SW Website, Strongsville Website, City Website
  • Committee Present: Healy Cassidy, Draves
    • Audience: Galgas, Jamison
  • Roll Call
  • Review and Approval of Policy
    • Drafted last spring, based on Strongsville policy with changes made
    • Move to approve Cassidy, 2nd Healy, Passed unanimous
  • Review and Approval of RC-2
    • Draft page 2 – retention schedule
    • Discussion – none
    • Cassidy moves to approve, Healy second, unanimously approved
  • Miscellaneous Business
    • Cover Letter and RC2 Schedule
    • Send to State and place on website
  • Next Meeting Date
    • Thursday March 9, 2023 at 1015 hrs – tentative
  • No questions
  • Adjournment at 1031 hrs
    • Healy motion to adjourn 2nd Cassidy, unanimous